Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Aggravated Assault essays

Aggravated Assault essays Aggravated assault is the unlawful threat of bodily violence or harm to somebody else, or an attempt to do such harm. The purpose of this paper is to inform the reader about all aspects of the personal crime of aggravated assault. It will illustrate the typical victim and offender and the situations that surround this crime from a citizen and criminologist perspective. Aggravated assault is more serious than assault because the offender inflicts an unlawful attack upon the victim for the purpose of inflicting severe or aggravated bodily injury. This type of assault is usually accompanied by the use of a weapon or by means likely to produce death or great bodily harm. In 1998, there were a total of 1,673,640 aggravated assault victimizations and 1,457,800 incidences. Victimizations indicate the number of people that were received the criminal offense. Incidences mean the scene and time of the assault. For instance, two people are robbed at gunpoint. It is counted as two robbery victimizations and one robbery incidence. Of all the criminal offenses measured by the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), 5.3 percent of them were aggravated assaults. On average, about eight people in every one thousand people were the victims of aggravated assault. Out of one thousand people, 10.5 males were assaulted and 4.7 females. Black males and females are more likely to be the victim of aggravated assault between the ages of twenty to twenty-four. Twenty-six urban, black males out of every one thousand people are the victims. White males are more likely to be the victim between the ages of twelve to nineteen. White females are more likely to be the victim between the ages of sixteen to twenty-four. In all, black males are most likely to be the victim between the ages of twenty and twenty-four. Thirty-three percent of the victims had an income less than $7,500 annually. Such a low income is probably due to the young age...

Friday, March 6, 2020

Green Technology essays

Green Technology essays A prospective new law requiring every new car to meet strict emissions standards will soon become a nation wide campaign to reduce air pollution. Some day, might younger generations not have to learn about brown clouds? It is a respectable goal. New laws regarding air pollution standards will obviously yield positive effects. California broke the ice with their ambitious auto emissions laws, and sparked an engine in major auto manufacturers. Soon after the laws introduction, a minimal number of all-electric vehicles were introduced. Unfortunately, low sales extinguished the concept. No wonder: Battery-powered cars run out of juice quickly, take a long time to recharge, and their energy packs which dont last long enough are expensive. However, this was a large step in the right direction. Years of research and development later, Honda and Toyota introduced a new type of ultra-low-emission-vehicles. Known as a ULEV, this new type of car was dubbed a hybrid (Lovins, 3). Hybrid vehicles, which never need to be plugged into anything, are emerging as a more sensible way to get out of the internal-combustion rut. A typical hybrids engine consists of a small gasoline engine linked to a compact direct-current electric motor, accomplishing an astonishing seventy miles to the gallon. All of these new car s may be attributed to the new pollution laws. Another newborn to conscientious consumers is low or non-polluting house appliances. Most models are not on the market yet, but soon will be. Such brands producing these new appliances will be GE, Kenmore, and Fridgidare. To reward environmentally friendly houses, some politicians are pushing for laws to be passed that give tax breaks to conscientious consumers. The exact figure of a tax break is yet to be determined. After the new laws passing, consumers may expect many pollution efficient changes in this area. ...